Whipped Potato Trio

What makes it the BEST?

The short answer: Nitrous Oxide. And a handy little whip cream dispenser. This fun kitchen gadget is the secret to making not only homemade whip cream but also these light as air, perfectly silky-smooth dollops of creamy whipped potatoes. And, just like when you make whip cream, all it takes is a few ingredients, a N20 cartridge (or two) and a few shakes. I’ll admit, I was intimidated at first by this device and had to practice a few times making whip cream to make sure I got the cartridge in right and knew the sound of the gas being released into the canister. But once I did, I vowed to try new ways of incorporating it into my cooking. And whipped potatoes are my absolute new favorite. See the recipe below and tips for making your own at home.

Occasions for whipped potatoes:

This recipe doesn’t make a lot of mashed potatoes. It’s enough for 6-8 small servings. It should be enough for a little more, but I like to leave room for error. You don’t always get every last bit out of the whip cream dispenser. These creamy whipped potatoes are perfect as an appetizers or part of small bites menu. I automatically think of New Year’s Eve where you want something rich but not too filling. This is not the recipe to pull out when you want to serve big heaps of mashed potatoes as part of a hearty meal. You are better off with more of a classic baking dish method or stovetop for those occasions.

But the potatoes that you get from this recipe are so rich and creamy that you only need a little bit of perfection. And the best part? Thinking of all the toppings you can put on them. A whipped potato appetizer bar with different toppings is a fun idea. Or, if you are searing a beautiful piece of filet mignon or fresh Halibut and you just need a touch of creaminess to top it off. Here’s a few ideas for toppings for making the BEST creamy whipped potatoes at home:

  • Shaved truffles or truffle oil
  • Shaved Parmesan cheese
  • Caviar and truffle oil
  • Bacon or crispy prosciutto
  • Piped on top of filet mignon sitting on a little pat of herb butter or blue cheese butter
  • Jalapeno-Chive Oil with toasted pine nuts

Whipped Potato Ingredients:

  • 1 ½ lbs. gold potatoes
  • 1 ½ cups heavy cream
  • 3 Tbsp unsalted butter (grass fed recommended)
  • 1/3 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp fresh ground pepper

Makes 6-8 small servings


  • Bacon
  • Shaved Parmesan
  • Chive Jalapeno Oil & Toasted Pine nuts
  • Truffle oil or shaves truffle

Whipped Potato Method:

  1. Peel potatoes and cut into ½ inch pieces.  Place in a pot of cold, salted water.  Bring to a boil and cook until the potatoes are very tender (12-15 minutes).
  2. Meanwhile heat cream and butter on stove top until warm.  Careful not to boil.
  3. Drain potatoes and then place into a ricer.  Give them a pass and then put potatoes through a strainer to make sure there are no lumps.
  4. Add hot cream and butter mixture to strained potatoes along with parmesan, salt, and pepper.  Scoop into whip cream dispenser. Attach one of the larger nozzle attachments that came with the cannister.
  5. Attach N20 cartridge and turn cartridge until you hear the hissing sound of the gas being released into the cannister.  Give a few vigorous shakes. Turn canister upside down and pipe a small amount onto a cutting board.  Once you have it down start piping onto plates or appetizer spoons and top with your favorite toppings.

Whipped Potato Special Equipment:

For this recipe you will need a few specific kitchen items. They include:

  • Potato ricer
  • Strainer/fine mesh sieve (you may not need this if you get a really silky consistency with the ricer alone)
  • Whip cream dispenser with large nozzle & N20 cartridges (plan on 2)

Tips for Whipped Potatoes:

  • Make sure your potatoes aren’t lumpy at all or they will clog the canister.
  • If making ahead the potatoes will keep several hours in the cannister and you can rewarm potatoes in the dispenser in a warm water bath.
  • Be sure to point the nozzle straight down when piping, not at angle. It’s a little different than when using a store bought whip cream cannister.

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Serving Ideas for Creamy Whipped Potatoes:

Over the Top Toppings for Whipped Potatoes: